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ABA Therapy

Utah behavior services from people who care.

Based in Utah County

Now Serving These Utah Cities:

American Fork
Cedar Hills
Eagle Mountain
Elk Ridge

Pleasant Grove
Saratoga Springs
Spanish Fork
Woodland Hills

No Waitlist!.png

So Much More Than a Diagnosis...

Children and adult playing with blocks on carpet
girl looking at camera with lens flare

Helping Your Child Reach Their Full Potential

At Nova Supports, we are dedicated to providing early
intervention through Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) for children

with autism. Our experienced team offers compassionate,
evidence-based therapy that supports each child’s unique needs.
We specialize in in-home services, where our certified Registered
Behavior Technicians (RBTs) deliver personalized care right
where your child is most comfortable—your home.

Why Choose NOVA Supports?

NOVA's In-Home ABA Services

Our in-home ABA therapy is designed to integrate seamlessly into your daily life, minimizing disruption and maximizing comfort for your child. Here’s what we offer:


  • Personalized Sessions: Direct one-on-one therapy with your child in an environment they feel safe and secure.

  • Family involvement: Active participation of family members, enhancing the therapy’s impact and fostering a supportive home environment.

  • Tailored Strategies: Customized behavioral strategies that cater to the individual needs of your child, focusing on communication, social skills, and independence.

RBT and child playing with musical instruments
Arches at night stars

“There are enough people in the world who are going to write you off. You don’t need to do that to yourself.”

Susan Boyle

Why NOVA Stands Out:

Comprehensive Intake

Every journey with us begins with a thorough intake assessment. We meticulously review records, conduct observations, and engage in interviews to pinpoint behaviors and set meaningful treatment objectives, ensuring they resonate with the individual's aspirations.

In-Depth Assessments

Our team conducts detailed functional and skills assessments to uncover the root causes of challenging behaviors, paving the way for effective behavior plan formulation.

Customized Behavior Plan Development

Based on our findings and the individual's treatment goals, we craft a bespoke behavior plan. Our strategies encompass antecedent interventions, targeted responses to behavior, and skill-building programs to foster appropriate behavior patterns.

Targeted Training

We provide specialized training to all caregivers, equipping them with the knowledge to implement the behavior plan effectively. This includes Direct Support Professionals, family members, day program staff, and program administrators.

Data Collection and Monitoring

Our data-driven approach ensures the impact of the behavior plan is closely monitored. We supply all necessary documentation for continuous data recording and regularly distribute progress reports to the entire support team.

Engaged Team Participation

Based on our findings and the individual's treatment goals, we craft a bespoke behavior plan. Our strategies encompass antecedent interventions, targeted responses to behavior, and skill-building programs to foster appropriate behavior patterns.

monument valley utah

Contact Us

Get in touch with us!

For more information about our Behavior Consultation services or to discuss your needs, please contact us using the following methods:
Call or Text (801) 888-3638
Email directly at or fill out the form below. We’ll respond as soon we can.

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